Friday, August 24, 2018

Lesson Plan Feedback Form: An ITRT Recipe

Provide feedback to your teachers on lesson plans (or anything else you'd like)!

Administrators and coaches, pick your path - intermediate or advanced - to provide automatic and personalized feedback to your teachers.


  • Google Form
  • FormValues (Google Forms Add On - optional, but recommended)
  • Google Sheet
  • Google Doc
  • AutoCrat (Google Sheets Add On)
    • =VLOOKUP (Google Sheets Formula)
    • CopyDown (Google Sheets Add On)

Skill Level/Time required:

  • Intermediate: 30-45
  • If following Advanced directions: 60-90 minutes


  1. Create a Google Form that addresses all the area you wish to give feedback on. For this example, my admin wanted to be able to address Teacher Name, Date, Subject Area, Standard Present in Lesson Plan, Learning Intentions/Success Criteria, and Required Lesson Plan Elements (Flow, Opportunities to Respond, Student Engagement Strategies, and Feedback). 
    • If you are following the Intermediate directions, also include a textbox for teacher email. 
    • If following the Advanced directions, you will set this up to run automatically in step 6.
    • Using the FormValues Add on for Forms can help if you will be using the same values in Forms over and over. In this case, I used it for teacher name. 
  2. From the responses tab, create a spreadsheet of responses. Open the Sheet. 
  3. Create a new Google Doc and title it 'Lesson Plan Feedback Template' or something similar. 
  4. Create a template using the column headers from the Google Sheets within merge tags, which look like this: << and >>. This will help with Autocrat in step 7. 
    • For the "demographic information," I used two column tables - left containing the prompt (Teacher Name) and right containing the tag for Form response (<<Teacher Name>>). 
    • I used two-row tables - the top row had the "Look For" (How are learning intentions and success criteria evident?) and the bottom contain the tag for the Form response (<<How are learning intentions and success criteria evident? >>)
  5. Go to your Sheet from step 2.
    • This step allows you to automatically insert emails and specific folder placements. It takes time on the front end, but will end up saving you (and your teachers) lots of time and organization in the long run.
    • Go to your Google Drive and set up individual folders for each teacher that you'll be providing feedback to. 
    • Add a new page to the Sheet you opened in step 5. In column A, put the teachers' names as they appear in the Form. Column B should contain their email addresses. 
    • In Column C, cut and paste the folder ID in for each teacher. The folder ID is a long string of characters after /folder/ in the Google Drive URL. They all look similar to "1P6euIGuXwTiBb4NS40ykzpBR3yc1qsSN"
    • Back in the first page of the Sheet, add two columns - one titled Email and one titled Folder Reference.
    • Install/open the Copy Down Add on. It will prompt you to place the following formulas in a row it will create for you. 
    • In the new row, in both columns for Email and Folder reference, you will be writing a =VLOOKUP formula. It will look similar to =VLOOKUP(C3,Sheet2!$A$1:$B$45,2,false). Sheets does an ok job of guiding you what to type in and the optional video directions will explain this more. 
    • After you've done all this, you can join the rest of the class in step 7, and be sure to follow the optional, advanced directions in step 8, so all of your hard work pays off. To be fair, I did warn you that these were Advanced.
  7. Install/open the AutoCrat Add on. Run through the steps, using the template you created in step 3. If you set up the template in step 4 correctly, it should be easy, with just a lot of clicking through screens. Click here for an overview of the different Autocrat screens. If following the basic directions, you can entirely skip screen 6. 
    • You must set up screen 6 if you have chosen the advanced path. The above tutorial explains how to do it. See, that wasn't too terrible! 
  9. At the end, choose Save. Depending on what you chose for triggers, once you begin using the Form, the Feedback Docs will be created instantly, on certain time triggers, or run manually. 

Implementing with your teachers:

  1. Bookmark the viewable Google Form somewhere in your bookmarks bar. 
  2. Do your observation/feedback for the lesson plan/instruction in the Google Form. 
  3. Press "Submit." 
  4. If you have followed the intermediate directions, the teachers will get an email with your feedback. If you have followed the advanced directions, they will receive an email AND it will be filed in their individual folder.

Video directions:

Overall directions -

Advanced directions -

Pivot Table for Large Assessment Files: An ITRT Recipe

When you have a lot of data to sort through, a pivot table may be your solution. 

This recipe would be best for administrators or coaches who have access to building/grade level data, since a typical classroom teacher may not have hundreds of rows of data, which is the value of a pivot table.


  • Google Sheet of data 
    • (If in Excel, open in Sheets)
  • Pivot Table

Skill Level/Time required:

  • Beginner - I promise that pivot tables sound scarier than they are.
  • 10-15 minutes


  1. Open your Sheet of data. 
  2. Along the menu bar, go to Data --> Pivot Table. This will create a new tab on your sheet and open the Pivot Table Editor menu.
  3. In Rows, Add the data you want to sort. In this example, I used 'Item Description' so we could see all the type of questions. 
  4. In Columns, Add the 'qualifiers' that you want to count by. In this example, I used 'Correct/Incorrect,' but you can have multiple columns that will nest in each other. 
  5. In Values, use the same value as in Columns. Be sure it is set to 'COUNTA.'


  1. Use this Pivot table to see areas of strength and weakness. 
  2. Add in a column with a formula to calculate the percentage correct or incorrect to make it easier.

Video directions:

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Paperless Classroom Sign Out: An ITRT Recipe

Develop a paperless classroom sign-out system with Google Forms and CheckItOut.

Keep track of who is where, without the hassle of tracking down tons of sheets of paper.


Skill Level/Time required:

  • Intermediate 
  • 30-45 minutes


  1. Create a new Google Form.
  2. Delete the first automatically generated question.
  3. Install and open the CheckItOut Add On. Select 'Add/Edit Question Set.'
  4. Select 'Add New' and retitle 'Check in/out set name' as "Students" or something similar. 
  5. Change 'Question type' to 'Choose from a list.'
  6. Leave the remaining two boxes alone (or change the second one to 'All students are present.'
  7. Select 'Add.'
  8. Add a list of student names into the first new question CheckItOut generated.
  9. Optional: Add a text field for Destination
  10. Set up the viewable Form on a dedicated device or generate a short link/QR code that links to it. 

Implementing with your students:

  1. Depending what you chose in step 8, place this device/short link/QR near an easily accessible place. 
  2. When students sign out, they select their name in the first drop down. When they return, they select their name in the second drop down. 
  3. They don't need to add time or date, since Google Forms will do this automatically. 
    • Go to the Responses tab in the edit screen of Google Forms to see this information.

Video directions:

Classroom Library Digital Book Log: An ITRT Recipe

A continuation from Classroom Library Digital Check-Out System, this recipe will teach you to make a book log for your students.

A great way for students to track their independent reading, in addition to keep accountability!


Skill Level/Time required:

  • Intermediate
  • 30-45 minutes


  1. Be sure to already have your Classroom Library Digital Check-Out System set up and ready to go. If you have not already embedded it into a Google Site, do so now. 
  2. From the responses tab in the Check-Out Form, create a Sheet of responses. 
  3. Use the blue Share button to make it 'Viewable by Link.'
  4. Right click on the the '1' vertical axis to add a row under the row. Use the View menu to Freeze rows 1 and 2.
  5. Type 'CategoryFilter' in cells B2, C2, and D2. Type 'Hidden' in cells E2 and F2.
  6. Go to Sign in with whatever Google account is linked to this sheet. 
  7. Select 'Create a New View - Blank.' Select the spreadsheet you were just working on. You shouldn't have to mess with any of the setting, so press 'Create.'
  8. If necessary, press the pencil icon to get into editing mode. Assuming everything was set up correctly in step 4, there shouldn't be much you need to edit. Double check by click on the various drop downs. 
  9. Click the share button (it kind of looks like a triangle that is missing a side). Copy the "Link to Share."
  10. Go to your Google Site and create a page for the book log.
  11. Double click anywhere on the page and select 'Embed.' Paste the link you copied in step 9. A preview should pop up and select 'Insert.'
  12. Press Publish on your Google Site. 

Implementing with your students:

  1. Direct them to the page that has the book log. 
  2. Show them how they can see their own book log page or other students' pages. 
    • This will help them track their own reading, in addition to get recommendations and check on the status of books from other.

Video directions:

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Classroom Library Digital Check-Out System: An ITRT Recipe

Looking for a paperless classroom library check-out system, without QR/Bar Codes?

Using Google Forms and an add-on, you can easily create this user-friendly system.


Skill Level/Time required:

  • Intermediate 
  • 30-45 minutes


  1. Make a copy of the Google Form Template from the Ingredients (or from here). Make the form as decorative as you'd like.
  2. Add, edit, or remove any questions you would like. Be sure to fill in your class list in student name and edit/add the genres you want. 
  3. Install and open the CheckItOut Add On. Select 'Add/Edit Question Set.'
  4. Select 'Add New' and retitle 'Check in/out set name' as "Book" or something similar. 
  5. Change 'Question type' to 'Text with Listbox.'
  6. Leave the remaining two boxes alone and select 'Add.'
  7. If desired, move 'Author Name' and 'Genre' below the two questions CheckItOut added. 
  8. OPTIONAL - Embed the Google Form into a Google Site. (This optional step will help if you choose to make the 'Reading Log' public later - directions here).
  9. Use a Link Shortener to shorten the Google Form (or Google Site) URL. Alternatively, link to it from your Google Classroom or class website. 

Implementing with your students:

  1. Direct them to the check out form (wherever you placed it in step 9). 
  2. All directions are in the Form: 
    • They can select their name and genre from the drop down list. 
    • If they are checking a book out, they will type the full title under 'Check out.' 
    • If they are checking a book back in, select it from the menu under 'Check in.' 
    • They must also type in author name.

Video directions: